IASRS协会成功发表25篇信息技术安全、人为危害;风险管理;安全工程方面科研论文发表,已经被EI检索 ;
EI-International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering(ISSN: 2041-904X)
Modelling and theoretical studies
Risk analysis, assessment and management
Multifactor risk impact
Integrated technological systems
Planning and strategy
Fire prevention and protection
Infrastructure protection
Industrial Issues
Transportation problems
Public safety and security
Environmental and ecological protection
Emergency and disaster management
Terrorism prevention and protection
Forensic studies
Surveillance systems
System safety engineering
Threat assessment technologies
Human factors
Crime risk assessment
Homeland security
Creation of a culture of safety
Early warning and response systems
Dangerous goods
Economic and political aspects
Safety in building
Food Safety
Case studies
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