期刊名称:AIN SHAMS ENGINEERING JOURNAL 研究方向: Engineering-General Engineering |
ISSN: | 2090-4479 |
E-ISSN: | 2090-4495 |
Impact Factor: | 3.180 |
5-Year Impact Factor: | 暂无数据 |
自引率: | 3.90% |
h-index: | 暂无数据 |
CiteScore: | 6.20 |
JCR分区: | Q2 |
中科院分区: | 3区 |
出版周期: | Quarterly |
是否OA: | Yes |
出版年份: | 暂无数据 |
出版地区: | Egypt |
期刊官方网址: | https://www.journals.elsevier.com/ain-shams-engineering-journal |
期刊投稿地址: | https://www.editorialmanager.com/ASEJ |
SCI期刊coverage: | Science Citation Index Expanded |
PubMed Central (PMC)链接: | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=2090-4479%5BISSN%5D |
审稿周期: | 2-3个月 |
投稿命中率: | 80%左右 |
期刊简介: |
Ain Shams Engineering Journal is an international journal devoted to publication of peer reviewed original high-quality research papers and review papers in both traditional topics and those of emerging science and technology. Areas of both theoretical and fundamental interest as well as those concerning industrial applications, emerging instrumental techniques and those which have some practical application to an aspect of human endeavor, such as the preservation of the environment, health, waste disposal are welcome. The overall focus is on original and rigorous scientific research results which have generic significance. Ain Shams Engineering Journal focuses upon aspects of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, petroleum engineering, environmental engineering, architectural and urban planning engineering. Papers in which knowledge from other disciplines is integrated with engineering are especially welcome like nanotechnology, material sciences, and computational methods as well as applied basic sciences: engineering mathematics, physics and chemistry. |
稿件要求: |
1、SCI稿件控制10页以上,4600单词字数以上(未翻译中文字数8600字数以上);文章撰写语言为英语;(单栏格式,单倍行距,内容10号字体,文章内容包含:题目,所有作者姓名,作者单位,通信作者邮箱,摘要,关键词,内容,总结,项目基金,参考文献,所有作者相片+简介) 2、未一稿多投,未在其他期刊上公开发表;拒绝抄袭、机械性的稿件; 3、稿件重复率控制10%以内,论文务必保证原创性、图标、公式、引文等要素齐备,已发表或引用过度的文章将不会被出版和检索; 4、稿件必须有较好的英语表达水平,有图,有表,有公式,有数据或设计,有算法(方案,模型),实验,仿真等; 5、参考文献控制25条以上,参考文献引用一半以上控制在近5年以内;图表分辨率必须达到300dpi;参考文献与文献综述能反映国际研究前沿; 6、国家自然科学基金、科技部或教育部课题资助的论文优先; 7、论文语言需要经过国外专家翻译、润色(自行安排或由IASRS提供此项服务); 8、投稿初稿不需要排版,审稿通过后提供期刊模版、修改意见和建议。 |
联系方式: |
投稿邮箱:submit@iasrs.cn(投稿邮件内容:文章领域或方向+姓名+电话+微信号+QQ号) 微信客服:"SCIEI_service" 联系电话(微信同号):(+86) 19898831008 联系人:廖编辑 |